About Us
Elmarie Verster’s career was forged at the esteemed firm of M.J. Silver Rothbart and Cohen where she completed her articles in 1994 and continued as an associate, receiving invaluable experience in Sequestration, Liquidation law and Company law. This experience empowered Elmarie to spread her wings and form her own firm, Relihan Attorneys.
EVI Attorneys is the successor firm to Relihan Attorneys (“the firm”), which was established in 1998 by Elmarie Verster Ingham (nee Relihan).
The firm was established specifically to service the legal requirements of a niche JSE listed Bank. The majority of all legal matters of the Bank were dealt with by the firm, without the Bank instructing any other external attorneys.
The focus of the firm was mainly to protect the Bank which loaned and advanced money to all forms of juristic entities. This role was achieved through the Trade and Debtor finance department. In servicing the client, the firm had to ensure that all security documents were in place prior to the Bank lending money or providing financial facilities. This included, inter alia, registration of Notarial Bonds, Security Bonds, Suretyship agreements, Consignment agreements, Invoice Discounting agreements as well as Pledge and Cession agreements.
Bank’s strong suit was Asset Finance. All contracts were reviewed on a regular basis by the firm and all litigation in respect of defaulting parties dealt with by the firm, which at times encompassed huge amounts to which the Bank was exposed to.
During 2012, under the new name EVI Attorneys, the firm continued with similar corporate and commercial undertakings to Corporate and Individual clients. Litigation, conveyancing and drafting of contracts were at the forefront of the firm, which followed in the footsteps of Relihan Attorneys.
Currently, we assist clients with a broad range of legal matters, affordably, with efficiency and with good results for our clients. The specialty of the firm remains Corporate Law, Litigation, Insolvency Law and related matters in those fields, including registration of security documents in Deeds Offices all over Southern Africa, reviewing and drafting contracts, and the like.
Elmarie Verster Ingham remains at the head of the firm and is also an Associate of the Association of Arbitrators of Southern Africa.
All documentation was drafted and undertaken by the firm. In the event of customers defaulting with regard to their obligations to the Bank, all legal actions or enforcement of the breach of the obligations of the Bank’s customers were dealt with by ourselves, mostly on an urgent basis and successfully so.

97 B Dennis Road
Sandton, Johannesburg
South Africa